An in-depth market research is needed to enable investors make great investment decisions that aid great Return on Investment (ROI) and have positive impacts on their yields. We aim to independently and rationally uncover the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threat of different Real Estate Investment types with regards to up-to-date resources and datas. At Blythe & Company, we deliver bespoke research reports to cater to our clients investment type within reasonable timing. Our reports are sourced from verified databases, wide range official data and studies that are objectively analysed using both qualitative and quantitative data. Hence, eliminating bad investment decisions and reducing risk to our clients.
Blythe & Company collects data through both primary and secondary research methods. Our deep rooted expertise allow us access information not readily available to the general public through our existing relationship with certain institutions and bodies. Our tailored market research covers extensive analysis of the market, competition, demand and supply gap.